The Extra Medium Show
Here we will be exploring a vast range of movies, television, and pop culture beyond the depths of the script. Looking at our favorites through a different lens, we focus on the stories within the stories. Sometimes the most interesting part of the movie isn't what you see on the screen. Conspiracy theories, symbolism, nostalgia and more period. Not too big. Not too small. Extra Medium.
Podcasting since 2021 • 117 episodes
The Extra Medium Show
Latest Episodes
Characters Never Seen!
This episode we talk about movies and TV shows with characters that are famous and present but never fully seen! tune in! whats your favorite?
Episode 116
Jimmys Back!
Join us as we go back in time and have our very first guest on from two years ago! We catch up with the one and only Jimmy Ace Lewis & see what hes up to and what he has coming in the future! Be sure to check him out on instagr...
Episode 115